Friday, August 6, 2010

Rob went to Vermont (way back in June!)

Rob hadn't had an adventure in awhile, so he convinced some other math teachers and me to drive him up to New England. He was most interested in Vermont since he had never been there.

Our first stop was the Quechee Gorge. Casey and Katie pose with a Vermont moose before we went to see the actual gorge.

...and here is the famous gorge! Isn't it.... gorgeous!

Energy conservation and environmentalism is a big thing in Vermont.

We went to the Sugar Shack, where they make their own maple syrup. It was delicious!

Had to throw in an "artsy-fartsy" picture (as my mom would say).

After the maple syrup place we took a tour of the Cabot Creamery. Our tour guide had a lame delivery of the tour, but it was pretty neat to see the cheese being made and taste the samples afterwards.

After dinner we headed over to our hotel, which had a covered bridge behind it.

Ever wanna play on a playground at 10 pm? We did!

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