Monday, August 9, 2010

Rob launches a new road trip

I arrived to the 24th and final day of summer school with my car packed and ready to go. After school some of us decided to head to the Bridgeway Diner for a quick meal. As it turns out, some of my old students (from the regular school year, not summer school) were in the next booth. They already knew the story of Rob Lowe, and were happy to pose with Rob as the first official picture of this vacation.

I wanted to make it to at least South Carolina before finding a hotel room. However, traffic in the Baltimore and DC area ate up a lot of time, and I only made it to Fayetteville, North Carolina. Due to the traffic delays, I didn't hop out of the car and take pictures at every new state. Here's the only state sign I photographed on the way down to Florida.

Hotel rooms in Fayetteville must have been scarce that night. I finally found a room at the third hotel I tried, and scored the room with the wheelchair-accessible shower stall.

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