Friday, August 13, 2010

Rob tours New Orleans

I couldn't pull over and do the official state sign picture since the sign appeared right after a bridge and it would have been unsafe to stop the car. But welcome to Louisiana!

I stopped briefly in the French Quarter to pick up a few cans of chicory coffee from Cafe du Monde. I didn't do too much else in the French Quarter because (1) many of the activities there involve alcohol, and it was 10:30am and I had lots of driving to do yet, and (2) the French Quarter is more fun with friends. But here's the iconic Bourbon Street sign!

Beads still hang from the electrical wires.

Here is one of New Orleans' famous above-ground cemeteries.

After I left the French Quarter I drove over to the Lower Ninth Ward, which was hit hardest by Katrina almost 5 years ago. I saw signs like this one on almost every telephone pole.

It was promising to see that some people had come back to rebuild their houses in the Lower Ninth...

...but on the same block, there were still many houses that remained vacant like this one.

Leaving New Orleans on interstate 10 west, there is an 18-mile stretch of the highway that passes over the Atchafalaya Swamp.

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