Monday, August 30, 2010

Capitol Reef National Park

After the amazing drive from Bryce Canyon we entered Capitol Reef National Park, and the rainbow we had seen earlier was still going strong. We got to Capitol Reef within 90 minutes of sunset, which brilliantly lit up some of the red rock features of the park but also cast other areas in shadow. I focused mainly on the bright pictures!

There goes that rainbow again...

Rob and I are in the bottom of the picture for some size comparison; those cliffs are really high up!

No humans in this picture for size comparison, but trust me... these cliffsides are just as high as the ones in the previous picture.

We were in an extremely isolated part of Utah at this point. We ended up finding the town of Hanksville, Utah, population 206. 206! There are more than 206 teachers at my high school! So we found a room at the Hanksville Inn, run by a true character who told us his story of meeting Don Shanks (the guy who played Michael Myers in Halloween). Oh, Hanksville, you are just filled with interesting characters!

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