Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rob ties up loose ends in Vermont

Rob started his day at the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory. It's a little known fact that Rob loves teddy bears!

Four of us... four face holes... we had to do it!

Casey and Katie with their soon-to-be teddy bears.

Tony and the silo outside of the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory.

After the teddy bears, it was off to Charlotte Village Winery for a wine tasting. We pondered saying phrases like "fruity bouquet," "this wine has good legs," "nutty overtones," and other typical wine tasting phrases, but then we realized that pretending to be a wine snob is worse than actually being a wine snob, so we just tasted and said plainly whether we liked something or not.

"Wine before beer -- you're in the clear." After the wine tasting we headed over to the Magic Hat Brewery in South Burlington. Rob loves Magic Hat # 9!

Tony at the top of the "beer silo."

The tasting bar at Magic Hat.

We ended the day with a boat tour of Lake Champlain. Could this man be searching for Champ, the reputed lake monster of Lake Champlain?

The shores of Lake Champlain.

No ride on a boat would be complete without a dramatic reenactment of the "I'm the king of the world!" scene from Titanic.

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