Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Las Vegas and Red Rock Canyon

Eric knows a much different Vegas than Heather, Steve, and I. We didn't bring our jackets or pimp glasses. They really work, though -- mad props to Eric for scoring some free drinks from the pool girl!

A fan of Top Chef, we decided to check out chef Tom Colicchio's sammich place, 'witchcraft. We thought we actually had a Colicchio spotting, but it turns out it was our own Steve... or was it?

Here's a 7-11 done over as the Kwik-E-Mart from The Simpsons.

We ran into Marge, who is a big Rob Lowe fan.

My third time out to Las Vegas and I finally got to explore Red Rock Canyon. Bad news: it was cloudy out, so the pictures aren't as bright. Good news: it was cloudy out, so we didn't fry in the desert.

1 comment:

wilhemina said...

what gives? only one Biz in Vegas pictures? :(