Monday, July 9, 2007

Rob goes to the US - Mexico border

Heather and I took a day trip down to Nogales, Mexico. Rob made it all the way to the border but, despite our repeated reminders, he forgot to bring his passport with him. He had to stay on the US side of the border. He really missed out, too. We ate at a restaurant called La Roca and had the best Mexican food ever (of course, there it's just called "food").

There are a lot of farmacĂ­as in Mexico, but we resisted the urge to stock up on Xanax and Valium even though we could have bought plenty of anything with no questions asked.

More street shots from Mexico.

Alto. Guess what it means in English?

See that fence in the background? That's the border. This is as close as Rob could get to Mexico.

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