Sunday, July 8, 2007

New Mexico - Carlsbad Caverns

We got into New Mexico on Thursday. Yes, I'm a little behind in posting, but now that I'm in Tucson for a few days I'm catching up!

On the way to Carlsbad Caverns, we were driving down the road and we saw cows. I'm not talking about cows behind a fence as part of someone's ranch. I'm talking about cows. Right there. Next to the car.

A little gift shop on the way to the caverns had some prime photo-taking props set up. Rob and I ended up in jail for a bit. Oops.

We made it to Carlsbad Caverns!
Warning: the next chunk of shots don't contain Rob. We left him in the car. Thought it would be best not to take him in an elevator down 750+ feet into the earth and then walk the 1.3-mile paved walkway through The Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. He understood. We showed him our pictures.

Well, those were the pictures from the caverns. I think some of these pictures are crazy looking, but the one thing that none of them show is just how big the place is. It's dimly lit inside the caverns, and the dozens of pictures I tried to take to show the size just came out dark and blurry (yes, even with the flash up and the camera on Night Setting). Best bet if you're trying to do that: go in with a tripod and take some longer exposure pictures, I guess. That's what Rob thinks, at least.

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