Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Rob's Welcome Party in Berkeley, CA

The San Francisco area is chock full of Rutgers people. We staged a little reunion in Berkeley, CA. Rob was psyched as well... no, he didn't go to Rutgers, but the party was like a nice trip to the spa for him after a long day of driving...
Rob started off with a nice hit shower.

You don't get such gorgeous fluffs of hair like Rob has without a little blow-drying. Any fool knows that!

I know that dental care isn't part of the typical spa treatment, but his teeth were getting a little funky. The spa made an exception in his case.

Hair styling came next.

Rob gets his eyebrows plucked while Katie, his spa worker, also jabs some deodorant under his arm (which we could see if the wooden board were just extended a little).

Mouthwash for everyone!

How about a little barette action?

All fluffed, brushed, and plucked, Rob is ready for his reentry to the party, and meets up with Tracey and Becky Glynn (aka GLECK!)

What party would be complete without feeding Rob some beer and cake?

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