Thursday, July 26, 2007

Driving away from the San Francisco area

Driving from Oakland to Ely, Nevada, I saw some scenery. Here's some. I didn't put up any pictures from the Nevada part because the pictures aren't as nice. When I was in Nevada I got off the interstate and took Route 50, which I later found out is nicknamed "The Lonliest Highway in America." I see where it got its name. I passed three very tiny towns along the way but that was it. Empty, empty road. At one point I was curious to find what kind of radio stations I'd get, so I scanned the FM dial. My car radio could not pick up any radio station at all. I tried the same with the AM dial and got the same results.

Admittedly, this is unrelated to travels or Rob Lowe, but maybe I can be the first person to ever wish Steve a happy birthday from a blog. Happy Birthday, Steve!

1 comment:

Stevu said...

thanks donna...if i get roza-ed tonight i'll just pretend it's yours.