Friday, July 13, 2007

Rob takes in the grandness of the Grand Canyon

Sunrise at the Grand Canyon. Rob slept in for this...
There are pictures of the Grand Canyon later on where it's not so dark, I promise!

Getting a little bit lighter out...

Sunrise was pretty cool, at least until loads of unbathed people who didn't brush their teeth and didn't wake up in time to stake out a good spot came rolling in. They got pretty annoying. We went back to the hotel room and took a little nap and picked up Rob, who had never seen the canyon before.

We got a little too adventurous and almost fell in. Oops!

To top off a beautiful day at the Grand Canyon, the Oscar Meier Weinermobile was on site. No one was selling weiners, though. I guess they, too, were seeing the sights...

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