Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Trip Statistics

Rob likes math and statistics, you see. Here are some he calculated up for me.

Departure: 8/8/08, 8:08pm
Arrival: 8/16/08, 8:16pm

Total travel time: 8 days, 8 minutes
Total travel time: 192 hours, 8 minutes
Total travel time: 11,528 minutes
Total travel time: 691,680 seconds

Total miles driven: 4,069

Average velocity: 0 mph
(ha ha, physics joke, see? I had a net displacement of 0 miles, start to finish)

Average speed: 21.18 mph
Average speed: 9.47 meters/sec

Gas bill: $434.05

Keep checking Travels with Bill to keep up with my mom!

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