Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mt. Rushmore and Custer State Park

Rob and I went to Mt. Rushmore first. Look at those faces!

On my way to the viewing area there was a family of mountain goats. I like goats. Here's the baby goat.

And here they are... Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Lincoln. Got really lucky with the weather -- not a cloud in the sky!

This one goes out to all the people who have a soft spot in their hearts for Abe.

After visiting Rushmore I drove along the Norbeck scenic route through the Black Hills. I took this picture because I kept seeing these piles throughout the mountain and I don't know what they're for. Any ideas?

On Heather's friend Tony's advice I drove through Custer State Park. He said there was a lot of wildlife there, but I wasn't really expecting to see any up close. I was wrong. Here is the first of three traffic jams I experienced. The first was due to a group of wild burros.

Three burros came up to my car and scratched their necks on my side view mirrors. Here's one of them. We didn't talk, but I think he was very taken with Rob, who was in the back seat.

Here we are in the second nature-inspired traffic jam of the day. This one was caused by buffalo. They waltzed right up to the cars. Check out the side view mirror -- there's something you don't see back in Jersey!

Buffalo vs. Benz. I'm rooting for the Buffalo!

More wildlife at Custer.

After driving on the Custer Wildlife Loop I took a ride on the Needles Highway. Here's a one-lane tunnel I got to drive through...

... and the view on the other side!

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