Monday, August 11, 2008

Rob visits the Badlands

Rob, Mrs. Weasleby, and I headed out to explore Badlands National Park. It's a sight to see. As with most things that are vast and impressive, pictures won't do it justice. That didn't stop me from trying, though. The thing that most impressed us was how utterly desolate it was.

With my trusty iPod aboard, I listened to Bruce Springsteen's Badlands as I drove from viewpoint to viewpoint.

I was a dork and read the little informational postings the Badlands people put up. Apparently that yellow and reddish stuff is indicative of the area previously being covered by a shallow ocean.

Wild sunflowers grew here and there throughout the park.

Yes, at some of the more empty viewpoints on the 20-mile loop road, I set up the tripod, got Rob out of the car, and took some shots. At one point when I was setting up my tripod (Rob was still in the car) a couple pulled up to see the sights. I guess the tripod gave me an air of authority because as the woman got out of the car, she called out "Yoo hoo, Mr. Photographer, will you take our picture?" Grrrr. I got "sir"ed at another national park. I know, I know... I have short hair and I was wearing a baseball hat. But I HAD to have my hat on because my hair was messy from the wind! Whatever. I took her pictures, waited for them to drive away, and got Rob out of the car.

Anyone want to walk along the trail with many stairs?

The town of Wall is right outside of the Badlands. I started seeing signs for Wall Drug as far east as Minnesota. I later learned that there are signs for Wall Drug as far away as Amsterdam and Africa. I visited Wall Drug, home of the 5-cent cup of coffee. It's a giant place filled with rooms and rooms of stuff to buy. This is the cowboy boots room. Hooray, boots!

The Yankees are playing the Minnesota Twins tonight. Minnesota borders South Dakota. This is extremely lucky for me, because I can watch the game on tv! 'Course, I'm not watching the Yankees game; I'm watching the Twins game.