Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Devil's Tower and Random Stuff

Every day that I've been in South Dakota, the Weather Channel warns me that there will be rain and thunderstorms the next day. And every day I wake up, the weather is beautiful. It stays nice until 3 or 4 in the afternoon and then there's a thunderstorm. This system works fine for me. Rob and I woke up, saw the clear skies, and set out for the Devil's Tower in Wyoming.

I took this picture about 6 miles from Devil's Tower.

I did the 1.3-mile hike around Devil's Tower. Do you see any people in this picture? Look closely...

Maybe a little zooming in will help to see the rock climber. If you click on the picture it will zoom even more.

Here's a shot from the other side.

Prairie Dog!

I looked at a map when I was at the Devil's Tower -- no offense to Mrs. Weasleby, but sometimes I like to see the big picture. I realized we were about 30 miles from Montana, a state I never visited. So of course, I had to head north just to add it to my list!

After driving through the southeast nugget of Montana I returned to South Dakota. I wanted to visit Sturgis to see where the bikers hang out. I ate lunch at The Knuckle Saloon, one of the biker bars. It reminded me of... a biker bar.

After Sturgis I drove over to Deadwood. I was intrigued by the many casino billboards I had seen. I visited one of the casinos. I was the only player at a $2 blackjack table. It was weird. I guess I'm used to the more crowded casinos in Vegas or even Atlantic City. I played a few hands and took off.

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