Thursday, November 22, 2007

Rob enjoys Tucson's fine dining

After the Pima Air & Space Museum (and a few games of Scrabble, of course) we took Rob out on the town for dinner. We went to a place called El Parador. Sounds fancy, doesn't it? We met up with Heather's friends Kristine and Rachel. They were very much looking forward to meeting Rob. Who wouldn't be?

Rachel, Kristine, Heather, and Rob after dinner

Our waiter had a great sense of humor. He played along with us when we set Rob up at one of the empty chairs at the table. He even brought Rob a glass of water. That's a good waiter right there. I can understand catering to the imaginations of small children and talking to their imaginary friends, but we were four grown women pretending to be out with Rob Lowe. Hopefully he saw us as whimsical, eccentric, yet sane people. Or maybe he called the Shady Pines Mental Institution right after we left to see if they were missing any patients. We'll never know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

El Parador, biz.