Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wine Tasting in the Finger Lakes - NY

Karen, Rob, and the Jetta at the beginning of our journey up to the Finger Lakes in New York to taste some wine.
When Rob's gotta go, Rob's gotta go!

Rob was pleased to make it into New York this summer. It was one of the states we did not get to see during our trip.

Rob got to meet an actual Subway sub. Can the real Rob say that?

Karen, Dodie, and me at Wagner Vineyards.

One of the "Belchin' Rastas" at the Rasta Ranch. The liked to burp a lot.

There was a bride at the Belchin' Rasta Ranch, and she took time out of her wedding day to pose with Rob.

Random sunflower field.

I kept calling them "wine trees" the whole time we were up there.

Rob wanted to stop on the way home to see his old buddy Ron.

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