Saturday, November 24, 2007

Flat Rob, meet Flat Stanley

While Rob was visiting Tombstone, AZ with Heather, Eric, and I, he encountered another flat traveling buddy, Flat Stanley. For those not familiar with Flat Stanley, he is the character of a children's book. Stanley Lambchop was flattened by a bulletin board, but instead of bemoaning his new flat state he began using it to his advantage by slipping under doors and pretending to be a kite for his younger brother. (No, I don't really know all of this first-hand; I'm getting it right from Wikipedia).

A teacher in Canada began the Flat Stanley Project, having his students make their own Flat Stanleys and mail them out to friends and relatives, who were instructed to take Flat Stanley somewhere, take a picture with him, and write about their adventures. Flat Stanley makes his rounds and then somehow (not sure of all the details) returns to his original owner, who then gets to read about all of the good times Flat Stanley had. The Flat Stanley Project is supposed to get kids interested in reading and writing.

Anyway, for those of you that are familiar with Rob Lowe's travels, doesn't this sound awfully familiar? Granted, I'm not a little kid. And true, I don't entrust Rob to other people to give him adventures and write about them; I take that task on myself. But still, the basic similarities are pretty clear: take a flat man, drive him around, take pictures of him, and write about it. That's totally the operation Rob and I have going on!

After four years having adventures with Rob Lowe, we finally got to meet a Flat Stanley out and about. Flat Stanley was enjoying a nice November day in Tombstone, AZ when we found him. Flat Rob and Flat Stanley -- if only we could have listened on on their conversation...

Even Toby wants his picture with Rob Lowe

Chloe, Toby, and Mabel

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