Friday, November 23, 2007

Rob and the International Wildlife Museum

Rob, always one to use his connections, asked Kristine if she could get us into the International Wildlife Museum (where she is the education curator). She said yes! So the next day, Heather and I took Rob to learn all about international wildlife.

Our wildlife education started with snakes. We got to hold the snakes. I held the first snake (no picture submitted because I look like a dork) and then politely informed our education curator friend that no thanks, I don't need to hold any more. Heather was less of a weenie and held everything there was to hold.

I think this is right after I freaked out and couldn't hold the snake anymore. I think Kristine is trying not to laugh at me. She's nice that way. Thanks, Kristine.

Snakes -- I don't hold them. But turtles? I love turtles! Hi, turtle! Speaking of turtles... the Yankees have signed my turtle boyfriend catcher Jorge Posada for another few hears. Hooray, Turtle!

"Look at my horns!"

Heather and I were very taken in with this one particular elk. I promised Heather that if I put the picture of her kissing the elk on here, I'd also post one of me doing it. So here we are, in all of our elk-kissing glory.
P.S. Kristine -- we really loved your museum, can't you tell?

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