Saturday, November 24, 2007

Flat Rob, meet Flat Stanley

While Rob was visiting Tombstone, AZ with Heather, Eric, and I, he encountered another flat traveling buddy, Flat Stanley. For those not familiar with Flat Stanley, he is the character of a children's book. Stanley Lambchop was flattened by a bulletin board, but instead of bemoaning his new flat state he began using it to his advantage by slipping under doors and pretending to be a kite for his younger brother. (No, I don't really know all of this first-hand; I'm getting it right from Wikipedia).

A teacher in Canada began the Flat Stanley Project, having his students make their own Flat Stanleys and mail them out to friends and relatives, who were instructed to take Flat Stanley somewhere, take a picture with him, and write about their adventures. Flat Stanley makes his rounds and then somehow (not sure of all the details) returns to his original owner, who then gets to read about all of the good times Flat Stanley had. The Flat Stanley Project is supposed to get kids interested in reading and writing.

Anyway, for those of you that are familiar with Rob Lowe's travels, doesn't this sound awfully familiar? Granted, I'm not a little kid. And true, I don't entrust Rob to other people to give him adventures and write about them; I take that task on myself. But still, the basic similarities are pretty clear: take a flat man, drive him around, take pictures of him, and write about it. That's totally the operation Rob and I have going on!

After four years having adventures with Rob Lowe, we finally got to meet a Flat Stanley out and about. Flat Stanley was enjoying a nice November day in Tombstone, AZ when we found him. Flat Rob and Flat Stanley -- if only we could have listened on on their conversation...

Even Toby wants his picture with Rob Lowe

Chloe, Toby, and Mabel

Friday, November 23, 2007

Rob and the International Wildlife Museum

Rob, always one to use his connections, asked Kristine if she could get us into the International Wildlife Museum (where she is the education curator). She said yes! So the next day, Heather and I took Rob to learn all about international wildlife.

Our wildlife education started with snakes. We got to hold the snakes. I held the first snake (no picture submitted because I look like a dork) and then politely informed our education curator friend that no thanks, I don't need to hold any more. Heather was less of a weenie and held everything there was to hold.

I think this is right after I freaked out and couldn't hold the snake anymore. I think Kristine is trying not to laugh at me. She's nice that way. Thanks, Kristine.

Snakes -- I don't hold them. But turtles? I love turtles! Hi, turtle! Speaking of turtles... the Yankees have signed my turtle boyfriend catcher Jorge Posada for another few hears. Hooray, Turtle!

"Look at my horns!"

Heather and I were very taken in with this one particular elk. I promised Heather that if I put the picture of her kissing the elk on here, I'd also post one of me doing it. So here we are, in all of our elk-kissing glory.
P.S. Kristine -- we really loved your museum, can't you tell?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Rob enjoys Tucson's fine dining

After the Pima Air & Space Museum (and a few games of Scrabble, of course) we took Rob out on the town for dinner. We went to a place called El Parador. Sounds fancy, doesn't it? We met up with Heather's friends Kristine and Rachel. They were very much looking forward to meeting Rob. Who wouldn't be?

Rachel, Kristine, Heather, and Rob after dinner

Our waiter had a great sense of humor. He played along with us when we set Rob up at one of the empty chairs at the table. He even brought Rob a glass of water. That's a good waiter right there. I can understand catering to the imaginations of small children and talking to their imaginary friends, but we were four grown women pretending to be out with Rob Lowe. Hopefully he saw us as whimsical, eccentric, yet sane people. Or maybe he called the Shady Pines Mental Institution right after we left to see if they were missing any patients. We'll never know.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Rob at the Pima Air & Space Museum

I went to Tucson, AZ over our fall break at school. Rob came too. Interesting fact -- his flat nature allows him to fit quite nicely inside of my suitcase. I didn't have to go through answering questions about my travel companion at the security checkpoint. Hooray!

While Heather and I were on our way to the Pima Air and Space Museum, we rode behind a truck with a mirrored backside. Jeez, you'd think the two of us had never seen a mirror before. Look at how dorky we are, driving behind this thing and taking pictures.

Who, me? Am I dangerous?

Here you'll see our Nixon impressions at the top of the stairs to Air Force One. I am not a crook!

Ever see that episode of ER (back when it was good) when Dr. Romano gets his arm sliced off by the helicopter? Ok, so this is an airplane. We tried to recreate it as best as we could.

I'm touching the plane. Shhhh, don't tell anyone!

There was a display to honor the astronauts from the Challenger explosion. Ah, y'all know it by now... "Christa McAuliffe... Teacher. And American Hero."

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Rob goes to a Halloween Party at his own house

Welcome to the annual Halloween bash at the house. It's not my choice to have this party, but at least I get to go for free. I went as a paparazzi, which involved transforming my school ID into a press pass, hanging a camera around my neck, and chasing Rob Lowe around the party.

Esteban and Charlie Brown

Edward Scissorhands and the dead prom queen

Here starts the chronicles of the house AFTER the party. Not a pretty sight.

GROSS! At least parties like this only happen twice a year, and the way things are going I'm going to miss the summer party again. Woo hoo!