Monday, August 15, 2011

Yellowstone -- Mammoth Hot Springs

We were alerted via Facebook that planking has been replaced with owling. I hope this new information is correct, because it's oh so very important to us to follow the most current trends (you got the sarcasm, right?). Tony demonstrates owling below.

Some of the thermal features we saw at Mammoth Hot Springs were hard to capture on camera, like the rolling waves of steam (hopefully) seen below.

All of the different minerals present each contributed to the color schemes seen throughout the springs. Parts of it looked like it belonged on another planet.

At first I was bummed that we had cloudy skies and intermittent rain. But in some cases I think it worked to enhance the crazy surroundings, making them seem even stranger than they are.

A tree that has been overtaken by the calcite deposits.

On the way back to our hotel we spotted several elk crossing a river.

Someone's hungry!

Any time wildlife pop up in natural parks, the visitors go crazy snapping photographs. I was especially amused by the guy leaning on the rock!

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