Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome to Maine. Somebody pulled the alahm.

On our way to Bar Harbor, Maine we spent the night in the Motel 6 in Tewksbury, MA. It's never a good thing when you're sleeping in a Motel 6 and the fire alarm goes off. Come to think of it, it's never a good thing when you're sleeping anywhere and the fire alarm goes off. Anyway, after stumbling out of our room and trying to find a place where the noise wasn't so loud, the fire people came to check things out. As one fireman told a hotel guest, "Somebody pulled the alahm." Welcome to the Boston area.

Rob is enjoying our rental house, which has a piano. He plays while we unpack.

This is just 2 blocks from the house. Welcome to Bar Harbor. (Bah Habbah)

These were all taken at Acadia National Park. It was atrociously ugly, can't you tell?

The cobble beach. As in the things they use to make cobblestone roads.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet it was Rob that pulled the alarhm.

-Eric (in AZ)