Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Schoodic Peninsula

We took a ferry to Schoodic Peninsula, across the water from Bar Harbor. There's actually a part of Acadia National Park that's on the Peninsula.

Taken from the boat.

A Maine Christmas tree. It's decorated with lobster trap markers.

Lobstah traps! They're everywhere! I guess that's why lobster is so popular up here, eh?

This was taken at Schoodic Point. Look at that spray!

These were taken while climbing Blueberry Hill. It was a terrifying climb up and down and, though I'm proud we all made it alive and with no twisted ankles, it's not something I'll ever do again -- unless I gain the power of levitation. Yeah. If I learn to levitate, maybe I'd do it again.

The view from atop Blueberry Hill. That's Cadillac Mountain out there. That vertical scar? From an earthquake two years ago. Yes! An earthquake in Maine! Wicked strange, no?

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