Monday, July 7, 2008

Rob kicks off summer vacation

Rob is used to his usual pool party to signify the official start of summer. He met a lot of interesting people this year in high school, and he's ready to just relax with some of his old friends.

Rob and some of his ladies by the pool, relaxing with some good wine.

Stephanie and Felicia get to talk to Rob next.

JOBA! Joba, how's the Joba Joba-ing? JOBA!

Rob continues to make the rounds. He's not shy!

"Rob Lowe, how the heck are you?"

Kelli and Rob show Rob how to do the FUMPA! toast.

Denise and Rob are enjoying the start of summer.

Christie and Amanda are looking forward to spending time with Rob in Maine, no doubt.

I realize as I'm typing that I really stink at making witty and exciting captions for all the photos. Sorry, guys. Here's Heather and Rob.

This is the crown jewel of all of the pictures I took at the party. Steve, ever opposed to posing with Rob, finally got captured in a picture with him. Hee hee... and you kept chiding me for not being more diligent with my blog posts... well here ya go! You and Rob!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

damn you paparazzi!