Friday, September 3, 2010

Four Corners

After leaving Blanding, Utah we headed down to the Four Corners, where Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico all meet. We officially crossed into Colorado on our way there.

Four Corners!

Rob Lowe is officially in all four states at the same time.

My feet are planted firmly in Utah and New Mexico while my arms extend into Arizona and Colorado (with Rob).

Though my car wasn't too thrilled with this, after Four Corners we headed back east through Colorado and the Rocky Mountains. A Ford Focus with two passengers (three, if you count Rob) and several weeks worth of luggage can make it over the Rockies, but sometimes it's a hard task. There were times we couldn't drive any higher than 25 mph even with the car in 2nd or 3rd gear.

While driving up to the top of Monarch Pass, we actually had to concentrate on breathing. I never realized how many days I spent without once stopping to realize how easy the simple act of breathing was. Walking around and taking pictures was a slow process, with frequent breaks from walking to concentrate on breathing enough! I couldn't get over the fact that we saw people riding their bikes up the mountains while we could barely make it up in a car.

Most of the time as we were winding up and down each mountain, there was no guardrail to keep the cars from driving right off of the steep cliffs. It was a beautiful drive but definitely not one I'd like to do at night or in the snow!

Balanced Rock in Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.

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