Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rob sees the Pittsburgh Pirates

Rob got to see his first ever major league baseball game today -- Pittsburgh Pirates against the St. Louis Cardinals. He was a little sad that I didn't take him to the new Yankee Stadium for his first trip, but hopefully he enjoyed himself enough today to get over that. So what does one wear to see the Pirates play the Cardinals? A Yankees hat (me) and a Phillies hat (Karen). At least no one gave us a hard time about our teams.

Karen, Rob, and I in front of the stadium. PNC Bank Stadium is the smallest major league ball park. I liked it a lot. We found it very comfortable.

Our seats were behind home plate. Albert Pujols is talking to the ump after getting hit by a pitch.

Grounds crew hard at work after every three innings.

Here's the view from our seats. Not bad for under $30!

After the game we made our way down to West Virginia. And yes, we played the John Denver song...

1 comment:

~Jesse~ said...


My name is Jesse and I'm the Webmaster of which is Rob Lowe's Official Fan Site.

I'd love to talk with you about your great blog.

Please email me at so we can chat about a couple of (good) things.

