Monday, July 21, 2008

Downtown Bar Harbor

I took a lot of pictures at Acadia National Park, but we did spend a good amount of time in downtown Bar Harbor -- especially playing bocce and having beers at Lompoc.

I liked the moose on top of this building. And it's all lit up at night!

That's all for the trip to Bar Harbor! I would go back in a heartbeat, especially if I got to stay in the same house.

Random fact: there were five of us. We managed to bring: 5 cell phones, 4 iPods, 3 digital cameras, 3 lapops, and 1 GPS. We like us some technology!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rob tries lobster for the first time

We took Rob to the Trenton Lobster Pound to give him (and me) lobster for the very first time.

When you walk in you have to pick out your lobster.

Here's mine. Sorry, buddy.

It's a good thing Christie was there to do the dirty work and teach Rob and I how to eat a lobster. We thank you!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Popovers at Jordan Pond

Things you have to do in Acadia National Park: Go to the Jordan Pond House Restaurant and have their popovers. Seriously. Go. Eat. Enjoy.

This is Jordan Pond. In the distance are the Bubble Rocks. I believe there is quite a different nickname out there, but I will refer to them as the Bubble Rocks.

This was our view of Jordan Pond from our table at the restaurant. Eating tasty popovers and looking at this.... it's a rough life, but somebody's got to do it!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sunset on Cadillac Mountain

The same day we got up early to see the sunrise, we decided we should return for the sunset. Instead of packing large vats of coffee, it seemed more appropriate to pack a wine and cheese picnic. Rob, who was always left behind on our past trips to Acadia National Park, also got to come along.

So from what I can gather, the predominant color in the sunrise pictures was pink. Sunset was predominantly orange. At least today, anyway!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sunrise on Cadillac Mountain

Everyone says seeing the sun rise from the top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia is amazing. Christie and I dragged ourselves out of bed at 4:00 am to make sure we got up there for the 4:58am sunrise. We got to the top of the mountain at about 4:30am and this was what we saw:
(that's the town of Bar Harbor, still sleeping peacefully)

Christie smushed the sun, once it came up. I smushed it too but I'm making a dorky face.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Schoodic Peninsula

We took a ferry to Schoodic Peninsula, across the water from Bar Harbor. There's actually a part of Acadia National Park that's on the Peninsula.

Taken from the boat.

A Maine Christmas tree. It's decorated with lobster trap markers.

Lobstah traps! They're everywhere! I guess that's why lobster is so popular up here, eh?

This was taken at Schoodic Point. Look at that spray!

These were taken while climbing Blueberry Hill. It was a terrifying climb up and down and, though I'm proud we all made it alive and with no twisted ankles, it's not something I'll ever do again -- unless I gain the power of levitation. Yeah. If I learn to levitate, maybe I'd do it again.

The view from atop Blueberry Hill. That's Cadillac Mountain out there. That vertical scar? From an earthquake two years ago. Yes! An earthquake in Maine! Wicked strange, no?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome to Maine. Somebody pulled the alahm.

On our way to Bar Harbor, Maine we spent the night in the Motel 6 in Tewksbury, MA. It's never a good thing when you're sleeping in a Motel 6 and the fire alarm goes off. Come to think of it, it's never a good thing when you're sleeping anywhere and the fire alarm goes off. Anyway, after stumbling out of our room and trying to find a place where the noise wasn't so loud, the fire people came to check things out. As one fireman told a hotel guest, "Somebody pulled the alahm." Welcome to the Boston area.

Rob is enjoying our rental house, which has a piano. He plays while we unpack.

This is just 2 blocks from the house. Welcome to Bar Harbor. (Bah Habbah)

These were all taken at Acadia National Park. It was atrociously ugly, can't you tell?

The cobble beach. As in the things they use to make cobblestone roads.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Rob kicks off summer vacation

Rob is used to his usual pool party to signify the official start of summer. He met a lot of interesting people this year in high school, and he's ready to just relax with some of his old friends.

Rob and some of his ladies by the pool, relaxing with some good wine.

Stephanie and Felicia get to talk to Rob next.

JOBA! Joba, how's the Joba Joba-ing? JOBA!

Rob continues to make the rounds. He's not shy!

"Rob Lowe, how the heck are you?"

Kelli and Rob show Rob how to do the FUMPA! toast.

Denise and Rob are enjoying the start of summer.

Christie and Amanda are looking forward to spending time with Rob in Maine, no doubt.

I realize as I'm typing that I really stink at making witty and exciting captions for all the photos. Sorry, guys. Here's Heather and Rob.

This is the crown jewel of all of the pictures I took at the party. Steve, ever opposed to posing with Rob, finally got captured in a picture with him. Hee hee... and you kept chiding me for not being more diligent with my blog posts... well here ya go! You and Rob!