Tuesday, April 22, 2008

40 Days and 40 Nights

This is a special day in the lives of , well, anyone that goes to or works at my school. There are 40 school days remaining in the 2007-2008 school year! 40 days of school... 40 nights of setting my alarm clocks.

Rob, sadly, was not around when Karen and I decided we needed to dye Easter Eggs. Rob was stuck in his cozy cabinet in my classroom at school. But we had some fun in his absence. Here are some pictures.

I colored two of my eggs to look like over-sized eyes. We had quite a romp throughout the house using these eye-props for our enjoyment. Above, you will see me enjoying the Eye Eggs using Karen's new photographic technique, the Skycam.

King Tut also had a romp with the Eye Eggs. King Tut was a silent but very willing participant in our silliness. Go, Tut!

Look closely. She's not playing pool with pool ball things. No, no no! Those are Easter Eggs! Hooray, Easter Eggs!

I must hand it to those Pennsyltucky Dutch. For years and years and years as a child, I dyed eggs using the Paas dye kit. I used to enjoy the Paas dye kit -- especially the sweet vinegar fumes! -- but Karen frowns upon the Paas method because "all you get to do is dunk your egg and that's it." I couldn't argue. But we used (I'm mangling the name here) Dr. Finklebellystein's kit which employed a more hands-on approach to coloring eggs. Instead of the Paas plunk n' dunk, Dr. Finklebellystein's kit is more of a Paint Yer Eggs affair. Much more fun! I'll always use Dr. Finklebellystein's method from now on. I'm converted.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hey, I'm Giuseppe Franco!

My apologies to Rob Lowe, for this post has absolutely nothing to do with him.

I am a fan of the NY Yankees. I often watch their games on the YES Network. Last year I noticed a commercial that usually airs on the YES Network several times throughout the course of a baseball game for a hair product called Procede. Please, if you have a spare 90 seconds, watch this commercial.

I want to draw your attention to two quotes that have given my roommates and I so much joy last summer and, lucky for us, will continue to provide us joy and laughter for the current baseball season.

1. "I don't own the company. I don't know anything about it!"

Let's talk about this for a moment, shall we? If you were the famed Giuseppe Franco, would you do a tv commercial for a product YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT???

2. "Hey, I'm Giuseppe Franco. I'm not putting my name on the line for something that doesn't work."

I love the reasoning for buying the product... Hey, I'm Giuseppe Franco! Ah! Of course! Sign me up for a few bottles of that Procede treatment! And I love how he's not putting his name on the line for something that doesn't work, but he IS putting his name on the line for a company he knows nothing about. Good work, Giuseppe. You own a salon. You ARE the premier buttcan*. No wonder Procede needed you to sell their product.

*Buttcan is a reference to some long ago high school student who, when filling out the usual forms on the first day of school, filled in "buttcan" for his mother's occupation. When his homeroom teacher questioned him on this, he said that his mom was a beautician. "Beautician, you know... B-U-T... T... C-A-N..."