Saturday, February 23, 2008

All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned from Watching Rocky

7/27/03, Somewhere in Indiana

When Rob Lowe first toured the country in '03, he was privvy to this spectacular list.

All I ever needed to know I learned from watching Rocky
  • If you want to do something well, you need good music playing in the background
  • Even though you might be smaller, you can still win (though you'll probably end up with brain damage)
  • Friends do because they want to do
  • We CAN get along with the Russians
  • There's nothing wrong with being afraid
  • Mickey loves you
  • You're gonna eat lightening and crap thunder
  • Don't lift heavy bags of dog food when you're 9 months pregnant
  • Don't put Paulie in charge of ANYTHING (aka, Never let your accountants steal all your money)
  • A robot can be a perfect companion for a bum.
  • Sometimes your best friend can give you a black eye
  • James Brown has still got it
  • When your friend is getting the ever-lovin' tar beat out of him, THROW THE TOWEL!
  • Russian chess players are bad losers
  • Spirit wins over steriods

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