Friday, October 26, 2007

There will be more posts, I promise

Some of you have been getting on me about my lack of posts since I got back from my trip. Yes, I know it's been almost two months since the last post. Sorry. School started and, well, that's all I got. School started.

BUT -- I promise -- though Rob has slowed down his travels considerably now that school is back in session, he has not stopped! I will be posting his pictures from his trip to the Finger Lakes wine country soon... and he will be doing other things in the future, I'm sure. And don't underestimate the power of random Rob shots -- they can be a lot of fun too.

That's my story. I'll post more. Will I just be posting for myself? Is anyone reading this? I don't know. Oh well. Even if no one reads this, I can at least count myself in with the many bloggers of the world. Wow. I know. You're so jealous. You want to be a blogger too. I know you do. Do it. Blog. Go. Blog. Even if no one reads it. Blog it. Be well.

1 comment:

wilhemina said...

i read your post, biz. so there!