Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Driving through Utah

Here I am, driving from Bryce Canyon back to the interstate. It was pouring rain at Bryce, but once I left it was pretty nice. Thinking the weather was making a turn for the better, I even turned my car around and went back to Bryce. Sadly it was still raining there. I was just destined to see Bryce in the rain that day, I guess. Anyway, I took the above picture while I was driving. I took a lot of the upcoming pictures while I was driving, because Utah, for whatever reason, marked a turning point in the trip. This was the point where I was just ready to be back in New Jersey, sleeping in my own bed with my own pillow. I stopped bringing Rob out of the car for photo ops and I just starting making like a bread truck and hauling buns back east.

I took the above and the next few pictures at a random scenic viewpoint off of I-70 in Utah. Admittedly I was starting to really miss New Jersey by this point, but this particular place made me feel like I was not even on this planet. I swear, I felt like I was on Mars or something. The scenery I had been driving through for hours, coupled with the bizarre yet breath-taking views I saw at this overlook, made me feel slightly ill. A strange and alarming side effect of the beauty of Utah, true, yet that's what I had going on inside of me.

Really... this isn't from Earth! This is from Mars! I felt ill!

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