Sunday, April 4, 2010

Rob's New Home

This was the first time I saw the place. It was already empty so the pictures aren't terribly exciting. This is the far corner of the living room, opposite the front door. There are 5 windows in the living room, so there's lots of natural light during the daytime.

Here's how the kitchen looked. The previous owner must have decided to install stainless steel appliances and, not liking them, promptly moved out. (Or, a more likely scenario... if the old appliances were anything like the washer and dryer that came with the place, the owner must have realized that NO ONE would buy his condo, so he updated them before he left.)

I met a prospective neighbor as I was looking at the place, and she was kind enough to pose under the light in the dining room.

This was taken the day after closing, which also happened to be the day of the torrential downpours in NJ. Casey agreed to go shopping for some cleaning supplies and paint chips. After getting thoroughly soaked going in and out of about 5 stores, we unloaded our purchases and ate Chipotle on the floor. Every article of clothing I wore that day was soaked. I decided to try to dry my socks in the dryer, but became frightened by the noises it made. It did end up drying my socks, but luckily my new neighbors agreed to lend me a pair of their socks. Thanks, J&J!

Ever want to pick up a couch, TV stand, TV, and dresser from Brick... then drive to Toms River and unload various boxes, tables, and chairs from a hot attic... then drive to Beachwood to pick up an upholstered chair and ottoman? Well, I can't say I WANTED to do any of that, but if I wanted to have a kitchen and any furniture in the new place, it had to be done. Many thanks to those that came for part or all of that day -- I owe many people many moves!

Cecilia wanted to welcome me to the neighborhood by sweeping up the living room.

We had many a laugh at Tony's lederhosen-style back brace, but I'm glad that he AND his brace (AND his truck!) were there that day.

Part of the moving crew, having quite a time sifting through my "5th Grade Work" box. Apparently I have been doodling random heads all of my life. I feel badly that we moved an extra box that we didn't have to, but it was pretty funny digging out papers and drawings from 1986.

More pictures to come, especially those showing the progress being made with unpacking, painting, etc. It's not all done yet, but it's getting there! Rob is now relaxing, watching the very first major league baseball game of the 2010 season, Yankees vs. Red Sox.