Saturday, November 8, 2008

Election Coverage from Florida

I got to experience a presidential election from the battleground state of Florida. I made my father drive around with me looking for voting locations to see if there was anything to see.

There was one street corner where McCain's supporters stood on one corner and Obama's supporters stood across the street. The McCain people just stood there holding signs. The Obama people waved and got people to honk. They were a little more fun.

This sign has nothing to do with McCain or Obama, but it helped me to realize how Florida officials like to try to confuse their citizens. Who ever heard of a Red School Day?

The Obama-mobile

More political commentary from Florida citizens.

Sorry for the blurriness -- I took this at night from a moving vehicle. If you had to spend the rest of your life on a deserted island with either Joe the Plumber or Joe Six-pack, who would you choose?

On a sad note, I'm going to miss watching Tina Fey impersonate Sarah Palin. That made for some good TV. However, after voting for the losing candidates in the past two elections, it feels good to have finally picked a winner!