Friday, March 28, 2008

Rob goes to Dodge Ball

On π Day, March 14 (get it -- 3/14?) my high school had a faculty dodge ball tournament. Rob and I decided to join up with the Math/Science team. I'll fully admit -- I don't really have any interest in dodge ball, but I really wanted a t-shirt with my last name on the back. We all picked mathematical and scientific constants. I was e, which is a very useful constant. Can you think of any other number that would be involved with both continuously compounded interest AND rates of radioactive decay? Go, e!

Since Rob can't really talk, he wanted to be sure that the crowd knew he was supporting the Math/Science team. I made him his little word bubble. It says "Go Math/Science! Go π!"

There was a very energetic man on the Maintenance Team. Unfortunately, I don't know him since he either works at a different school or he works the night shift. Some of my teammates and I were a little obsessed with him because he bears a striking resemblance to Mr. Edward R. Rooney from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Below, see the REAL Mr. Rooney...

And here is Mr. Rooney's Maintenance Twin

Dodge ball was fun, but going out for beers after it ended was even better!

Friday, March 21, 2008

At Day at School

Rob Lowe has really enjoyed spending time at my high school lately. The students really seem to like him, too. I've told all of my classes about Rob and, though St. Elmo's Fire (the movie from which the picture comes) came out before most of them were born, they now ask for him by name and even told me I just recently missed his birthday. Sorry, Rob. Hope you like high school, 'cause you'll be staying there 'til June!

Rob and the goats root the students on during midterms.

Rob at my "desk" in the math office.

After I drew goats all over my classroom, I had to go and spread the goats around Ham's room, too.

Rob, Ham, and goats.